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Workers' safety is of paramount importance to employers in our industry.

With cooperation from our group workers’ compensation insurance provider, State Compensation Insurance Fund, this Safety page will include from time to time:

Safety Articles of general interest to employers

Information / documents to enable compliance with insurance, Fire Department and CAL-OSHA requirements

Fee Paid Sources for help with Loss Analysis, prevention of accidents/injuries.


Mantenga bajo control la espalda de los trabajadores

Las bromas acerca de los persistentes dolores de espalda proporcionan a los cómicos de micrófono una fuente de innumerables carcajadas, pero los esguinces y distensiones de la espalda no tienen nada de cómico, ni deben constituir un padecimiento inevitable para ninguna persona.

En California, el año pasado las lesiones de la espalda sufridas en los sitios de trabajo representaron millones de dólares, una cantidad de dinero que no tiene nada de cómico. Ni tampoco lo tienen esas incapacitantes lesiones de la espalda para los trabajadores, quienes perdieron tiempo de trabajo o tiempo para sus actividades personales. La triste verdad es que la mayoría del dolor y el tiempo perdido pudo haberse prevenido si los trabajadores hubieran estado más conscientes de la forma en que funciona la espalda y de cómo levantar sin peligro cargas pesadas o voluminosas.

La espalda está formada por una red de frágiles ligamentos, discos y músculos que pueden lesionarse muy fácilmente. El complejo diseño de la espalda se lesiona cuando se le fuerza a realizar actividades para las que no ha sido diseñado.

Una forma en que con toda seguridad se expone a una lesión de la espalda consiste en levantar cargas pesadas o voluminosas de manera inadecuada o sin asistencia. La espalda, sin soporte, no puede trabajar como una grúa o brazo de izamiento. Al levantar algo con la espalda torcida o doblada, se expone a un desgarramiento muscular o a una hernia discal. La espalda puede lesionarse rápidamente, pero demora mucho tiempo en sanarse. Por esto, debe estimularse a los trabajadores para que al levantar objetos lo hagan con sentido común y con la ayuda de un compañero de trabajo o de un dispositivo mecánico.

Los trabajadores deben aprender a ponerse completamente de frente y en cuclillas sobre el objeto que van a levantar. En esta posición, la espalda aprovecha la fuerza y resistencia adicionales de las piernas y los brazos. Enseñe a los trabajadores a inclinar el objeto sobre el borde con su eje más largo hacia arriba, de manera que el centro de gravedad se ubique lo más arriba posible sobre el suelo. A continuación, el trabajador debe colocarse cerca del objeto para hacer que la columna vertebral se comporte como una columna de apoyo y exija así el menor esfuerzo. En esta posición, el trabajador estará listo para levantar el objeto. Desde la posición en cuclillas, con los pies colocados de manera que las piernas apunten directamente hacia la carga, y con espalda derecha, el trabajador puede entonces sujetar la carga con ambos brazos y ponerse de pie lentamente.

Un buen método de aprendizaje consiste en hacer que los trabajadores practiquen varias veces la forma correcta de levantar un objeto. Al hacerlo notarán que es la forma más fácil de levantarlo, ya que requiere el menor esfuerzo e incomodidad. Cuando los trabajadores se acostumbran a cargar objetos de manera incorrecta, con el tiempo sufren lesiones y dolores, y ninguno sentirá deseos de reír.

The above evaluations and/or recommendations are for general guidance only and should not be relied upon for legal compliance purposes. They are based solely on the information provided to us and relate only to those conditions specifically discussed. We do not make any warranty, expressed or implied, that your workplace is safe or healthful or that it complies with all laws, regulations or standards.


in English

Plan for Workplace Emergencies

All California businesses with more than ten employees must maintain a written Emergency Action Plan. Title 8 CCR 3220, Emergency Action Plan, states that the Emergency Action Plan "shall cover those designated actions employers and employees must take to ensure employee safety from fire and other emergencies. For those employers with 10 or fewer employees the plan may be communicated orally to employees and the employer need not maintain a written plan."

In an emergency, the effectiveness of response depends on advanced planning and training. Management's commitment and employee involvement are essential to the action plan. The emergency response plan should cover all potential emergencies that could be expected at the work site. The written emergency action plan must be kept at the workplace and made available for employees to review. It should be reevaluated and updated periodically. The following elements, at a minimum, must be included in the plan:

  • Emergency escape procedures and mapped escape routes
  • Procedures to be followed by employees who remain to operate critical operations before they evacuate
  • Procedures to account for all employees after evacuation
  • Rescue and medical duties for employees who perform them
  • Means for reporting fires and other emergencies
  • Persons or departments to contact for further information or explanation of duties under the plan

Every employee needs to know the details of the emergency action plan including types of potential emergencies, evacuation procedures, alarm systems, reporting procedures, and shutdown procedures. Random emergency drills should be held at least annually. If possible, they should include outside police and fire authorities.

Emergency procedure training should be conducted when new employees are hired and at least annually thereafter. Additional training is needed when new equipment, materials or processes are introduced, when procedures have been updated or revised, and when exercises show that employee performance is inadequate.

Chain of Command
A chain of commend should be established so that employees know who has authority for making decisions. An emergency response coordinator and a backup coordinator should be designated. Adequate backup must be arranged so that trained personnel are always available. Coordinator duties include:

  • Determining whether an emergency requiring activation of emergency procedures exists
  • Directing all emergency activities including evacuation of personnel
  • Ensuring that outside emergency services such as medical aid and local fire departments are called when necessary
  • Directing the shutdown of company operations when necessary

Emergency Response Teams
The Emergency Response Teams are the first line of defense in emergencies. Team members should be thoroughly trained for potential emergencies and physically capable of carrying out their duties; know about toxic hazards in the workplace and be able to judge when to evacuate personnel or depend on outside help (e.g. when a fire is too large for them to handle). One or more teams should be trained in:

  • Use of various types of fire extinguishers
  • First aid, including cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
  • Shutdown procedures
  • Evacuation procedures
  • Chemical spill control procedures
  • Use of self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA)
  • Search and emergency rescue procedures

Effective emergency communication is vital. Employees must know how to report emergencies. And a method of communication should be established to alert employees to evacuate or to take other emergency action described in the plan. An alarm system should be in place, distinctive and recognizable enough to signal the emergency action.

An alternate area for a communications center may be necessary if the work site must be evacuated. The emergency coordinator should have an updated list of key personnel, of employees, and of employee relatives to be notified in case of emergency. There should be a system for accounting for personnel once they have been evacuated. The person in the control center is responsible for notifying police or emergency response team members of persons believed missing.

Personal Protection
Effective personal protection is essential for any person who may be exposed to potentially hazardous substances. In emergency situations employees may be exposed to a wide variety of hazardous circumstances, like chemical splashes, falling object, flying particles, unknown atmospheres with inadequate oxygen or toxic gases, fires, and live electrical wiring. It is extremely important the employees be adequately protected in these situation and that the equipment selected meet the criteria contained in Cal/OSHA standards. Some of the safety equipment that may be used includes:

  • Safety glasses, goggles, or face shields for eye protection
  • Hard hats and safety shoes
  • Properly selected and fitted respirators
  • Whole body coverings, gloves, hoods, and boots
  • Body protection for abnormal environmental conditions such as extreme temperatures

Medical Assistance
In an emergency, time is a critical factor in minimizing injuries and damage. Employers not near an infirmary, clinic or hospital should have someone on site trained in first aid, have medical personnel readily available for advice and consultation, and develop written emergency medical procedures.

Employers should have first aid supplies for trained personnel to use, emergency phone numbers posted in conspicuous places near or on telephones, and prearranged ambulance services for emergencies. 

"Information or recommendations contained in these articles were obtained from sources believed to be reliable at the date of publication. Information is only advisory and does not presume to be exhaustive or inclusive of all workplace hazards or situations."

Fee paid Loss Control experts: Avelina Alvarez, Keenan & Associates, 800.654.8102.

Injury and Illness Prevention Program: (large pdf file)


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